Monday, December 31, 2012

Join our January Ayurvedic Cleanse

Judi Harvin
So, we are almost here; the 2012 holiday season behind us, and 2013 stretching before us, full of promise and potential.

Whether you simply want to clean things up a bit from the December festivities, or are looking  to implement real healthy change this year, you may want to consider our January Ayurvedic Cleanse.

The cleanse itself takes place the third week of our four-class series. But, the two weeks preceding it are the most transformative. That is when we look hard at our habits that lead to poor eating choices, and begin to eliminate them. That is when we add new habits that make us feel healthy and good. By the time we really knuckle down to the cleanse, the hard work has been done, and the cleanse itself is much more manageable.

The real goal of this process is not just to clean up after several weeks of decadence. The goal is to enable us to some sustainable changes in our habits. Here are some of the ideas behind this cleanse:

This is a wholistic process.  This cleanse includes a look at our diets, our daily health habits, and ways to manage stress so it doesn't become toxic. We learn about the bodies detox mechanisms and how to support them on a daily basis, not just during a cleanse. Breathing techniques, meditation and asana are all a part of this process.

This is a customized process. Feel free to work as deeply as you wish. Rome wasn't built in a day, and if you are looking to eliminate just one nagging habit, we are behind you. Also, we will be looking at your unique Ayurvedic constitution, and it will help determine some of our individual choices in this cleanse.

Ayurveda is a big part of this plan. We will look at the Ayurvedic concept of dinacharya, daily lifestyle and health routines. We will be using the traditional foods and herbs of panchakarma, an Ayurveda detoxification.

The diet is inexpensive and easy to follow. An Ayurvedic cleanse is not a fast and doesn't require you to purchase special products. We will be working with regular food. You may need to purchase spices you don't normally have in your cabinet, but the plan is that you will continue to use these after the cleanse is over.

Much of the information will be made available to you online. I will be posting detailed notes and videos online. If you miss a class, these will keep you informed. If you need a refresher or a boost, these materials will be there for you.

There will be a support community available. Working as a group will open us to even more ideas. Have a great recipe or tip that helped you eliminate your ice cream habit? We are all ears. Need to know you aren't the only one struggling with your caffeine habit? We are here. We will create a Facebook page for daily support and meet weekly for inspiration.

Our goal is sustainable change. It may be one new healthy habit. One bad habit lost. But, once the series is completed, you will have new ideas to move forward. This is not one week of deprivation, this is a plan for life.

Join us! We will be meeting on Wednesdays, January 2 - 23 at 5:45 - 7:00pm. (Stay for a detoxifying Hot Slow Yoga Flow class afterward!) Click here for a schedule of topics, and here to register! Welcome!


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