Monday, December 17, 2012

Fatigue, aches, congestion...could a cleanse help?

Judi Harvin
Our bodies have a detox system constantly chugging away, and it does a pretty good job. But, the proliferation of toxins in our world today work the system pretty hard. When the system’s capabilities are overwhelmed, symptoms result: headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, sinus congestion, focus issues, muscle and joint aches, and much more.

Decreasing exposure to toxins with a gentle cleanse can help the system rest and rejuvenate.

In Ayurveda, the change of seasons is the traditional time to do a cleanse. However, I'm generally prime for a cleanse in January, and I suspect I'm not alone. Who isn't ready for a little detoxing after a month full of extra sugar, hot-toddies, and stresses? Plus, this is the traditional time to take stock of our habits and see if something needs a little tweaking. The changes we will create during this cleanse can become new habits.

So, I am hard at work planning a group cleanse to take place at Focus in January. This will be a slow, steady and gentle approach to eliminating toxins from our yogi temples. If you are wondering if this might be for you, read on.

What is a toxin? Here are the substances we will be looking at in this cleanse:

Environmental toxins  Air pollution, molds, chemicals, heavy metals abound in our environment. Our bodies work hard to cope, and do a pretty good job. While we cannot eliminate all toxins, to make the job easier for our overworked bods we will take a look specifically at the products we put on our outsides.

Ingested chemicals  Processed foods, artificial flavors and colors, and other chemical substances confuse the poor just doesn’t know what to do with these things we are calling food and sending down the system. So, it pulls the alarm and treats them like evil toxins. Our detox systems work overtime, and inflammation results.

More no-nos
  Caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugars are system stimulants and depressants. And I don’t think I need to mention that they are highly addictive. Let’s turn the tables on these attachments and rev our engines with good, healthy food and drinks.  

Allergens and sensitivities  Food allergies can have immediate affects. Sensitivities can be more subtle. Allergies and sensitivities are becoming much more prevalent, and if you are unaware of yours, you may be inadvertently feeding your poor system something it can’t handle.

Headaches from the sulfates in a glass of wine, stuffiness from dairy, digestive issues from wheat...we’ve all heard or experienced some of these. But what about tomatoes? Eggs? Corn? Citrus? Soy? These are difficult for some folks to handle. That veggie omelet or Mom’s homemade tomato sauce? Could they be causing symptoms? Hmmm.

Stress and negative thought patterns   Yes, we will be looking at these. And yes, they are toxic. Meditation, breathing and asana are a part of this program.

I’ve done several cleanses, and those experiences plus my knowledge of Ayurveda has helped me design this cleanse in a unique way. I’ll be sharing some specifics here next week.

In the meantime, see an outline of the components of this four class series here. And share this blog with friends you feel may be interested...the more support, the more fun and successful this cleanse can be!

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